Gulshan Society, Praava Health open testing booth
The initiative started on Wednesday and the sample test costs Tk4500

Gulshan Society Covid-19 Task Force and Praava Health have started the first ever testing booth for the novel coronavirus in Gulshan.
Samples are being collected from the booth for 3 hours a day from 11 am to 2 pm by maintaining the highest possible safety measures, and so far 18 samples are being tested every day.
The result of the sample is being delivered within 48 hours, and in some cases they come back within 24 hours.
In order to get tested, people will have to register at least a day before, after which the authorities will let them know when to come, maintaining social distancing. Members of the society and their recommended people can also avail this opportunity.
The initiative started on Wednesday and the sample test costs Tk4500 which Gulshan Society will hand it over to Praava Health.

Secretary General of Gulshan Society Barrister Shukla Sarwat Siraj said If the lockdown ends after Eid and the Lake park reopens, in that case, they have marked an alternative place for the testing booth, adding, "If necessary the booths will be removed to alternative locations."
The Gulshan Society had formed a task force in mid-March, before the lockdown, after identifying the first cases of Covid-19 in Bangladesh.
In addition to testing booths, they have provided hotlines for covid-19 related issues, regularly disinfected roads and sidewalks in Gulshan and distributed food to poor people around Gulshan.
Barrister Shukla said that the action taken by Gulshan Society in tackling Covid-19 has become a model and can be adopted by any residential society, civil society or community in Bangladesh.