Front-line medical workers receive Grameen produced PPEs
Imported cloth and seam sealing tape has reached the GFFL factory for the production of an additional 20,000 PPEs

Grameen Fabrics and Fashion Ltd (GFFL), financed by Grameen Telecom, has been manufacturing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for the safety of doctors, nurses and health care workers since the beginning of the coronavirus outbreak in Bangladesh,
Up to today, 25,000 safety gowns have been manufactured, of which the majority has gone to different hospitals and health care institutions of the country.
Imported cloth and seam sealing tape has reached the GFFL factory for the production of an additional 20,000 PPEs for doctors, nurses and health personnel, especially engaged at Intensive Care Units (ICU).
Furthermore, preparations have been being taken to prepare and distribute sets that include imported N95 masks, hand gloves, protective goggles, for hospitals.
In the past two days, Grameen Fabrics and Fashion Ltd has distributed more than 2,000 PPE (gown) to Dhaka Medical College Hospital, Sheikh Fazilatunnesa Mujib Memorial KPJ Specialized Hospital & Nursing College, Centre for Woman and Child Health and Shahid Tajuddin Ahmed Medical College and Hospital, Gazipur.
Furthermore, Grameen Telecom has continued its distribution of daily food supplies on a weekly basis to identified poor communities in various regions of the country.