Earning money by disinfecting offices
Since its inception in April, Sanitisation Experts has disinfected more than 100 establishmentsin Chattogram

With containers of disinfectant strapped totheir backs, some workers spray the rooms while some others monitor the work to ensure cent percent sterilisation of all the things in the rooms. It is a team of 10 young men, who work in an organisation named Sanitisation Experts in Chattogram. Since its inception in April this year, the organisation has disinfected more than 100 establishments, and it gets new orders every day. Already, it has got the work of disinfecting 40 branches of Agrani Bank. Besides, many organisations have made long-term contracts with Sanitisation Experts.
After the outbreak of coronavirus in Bangladesh, Chowdhury Yameen Anam, the owner of Sanitisation Experts, thought about launching this organisation. After completing his education in Malaysia, he came back to Bangladesh and then got involved in his paternal businesses ofliquefied petroleum gas, restaurant and apparels. He was running his businesses successfully before the pandemic arrived. Then as a source of alternative income, he thought of starting Sanitisation Experts. Besides, a sense of social responsibility also inspired him to do it.

Yameen Anam said, "After the coronavirus outbreak, I talked to a Chinese businessman for the protection of my employees. He first suggested that I spray disinfectant.At first, I sprayed it in my organisations. Then I got interested in doing this work commercially. Later,I appointed some people and started Sanitisation Experts. But my main motto is to protect people from coronavirus. So we charge a very low amount for our work. We charge Tk2-Tk3 for disinfecting per square foot."
Adnan Habib, a businessman in the port city's Agrabad area, disinfected his office recently through Sanitisation Experts. He said he first learnt about them from Facebook. Then he contacted the organisation.
"It is a good initiative because if we disinfect our offices by ourselves, we do not feel confident. But when any professional organisation does it, we feel safe."
There is no alternative to sanitising to prevent coronavirus infection, according to physicians. Shimanto Owaddedar, a physician of the neuro-medicine department at Chattogram Medical College Hospital, said, "There are many safe chemicals in the market which can be used as disinfectants. But some unscrupulous traders are selling harmful chemicals as disinfectants just to make money. So before using any chemical for sanitising, we have to make sure that it is not harmful for us."

Sanitisation Experts usesa rapid disinfection agent produced in Germany. The organisation claims that this chemical is safe.
Anam said, "Our organisation uses a hydroxyl-based disinfectant reagent produced in Germany. It isglobally certified. After spraying it on any surface, the place remains germ free for 48 hours.
Dr Arup Kumar Dewanji, former head ofthe microbiology department at Chattogram Medical College, said any place could remain germ free for 48 hours after spraying any disinfectant there.