Dr Zafrullah suffering from Covid-19 and pneumonia, health conditions unchanged
His lungs are affected by Covid pneumonia and he is being given adequate oxygen and antibiotics,’ said his doctor Brig Gen Mamun Mustafi

Gonoshasthaya Kendra founder Dr Zafrullah Chowdhury's lungs are infected by Covid pneumonia but his health condition has remained unchanged since Sunday.
He is currently undergoing treatment at Gonoshasthaya Nagar hospital under the supervision of Brigadier General (Brig Gen) Dr Mamun Mustafi and Professor Dr Najib, according to a social media post published in the official Facebook page of Gonoshasthaya Kendra on Monday.
"His lungs are affected by Covid pneumonia and he is being given adequate oxygen and antibiotics", said Brig Gen Mamun Mustafi.
"Dr Zafrullah can take his daily meals by himself and his blood pressure and other vital signs are currently stable", added Brig Gen Mamun.
His regular dialysis sessions as well as chest physiotherapies are running as per his usual routine.
Dr Zafrullah, also a freedom fighter, underwent coronavirus testing with the kit developed by Gonoshasthaya Kendra which found him to be Covid-19 positive on May 25.
Four days later, a RT-PCR test at Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU) also found him positive for the virus.
He was given plasma therapy thrice to help strengthen his immune system.