World’s largest alpona drawn in Gaibandha

A 10-km long alpona has been drawn on the Gaibandha-Saghata regional highway by Public University Students Association of Gaibandha (PUSAG) members in association with Rainbow Paints, a popular paint brand of RFL Group.
With the slogan, 'Dekhabe Gaibandha, Dekhbe Desh; record korbe Bangladesh', The painting started at noon on Thursday and ended after 22 hours on Friday, said a press release.
Around 6,000 liters of Rainbow Paints were used to draw the alpona. About 1000 students took part in the drawing while National Parliament Deputy Speaker Fazle Rabbi Miah inaugurated the programme.
Addressing the occasion, the deputy speaker thanked Rainbow Paints for being a colour partner at the Alpaona festival and urged them to participate in such activities in the future.

He hoped that this Alpona drawing will set a new record in the world.
Kamrul Hasan, Chief Operating Officer of Rainbow Paints, "We are delighted to be a part of the event. Rainbow Paints will continue to support such activities in the future."

Fahim Hossain, head of marketing of Rainbow Paints, students of PUSAG, and other local dignitaries were present on the occasion.
PUSAG took the initiative to draw the longest alpona in the country to commemorate the birth centenary of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and to observe the golden jubilee of Bangladesh's independence.