Son who took Covid positive mom to hospital on bike honoured in Jhalakathi

The Nalchity upazila administration of Jhalakahti has honoured the bank official, who came to discussion by taking his Covid positive mother to hospital on his motorcycle, on Saturday.
Ziaul Hasan Titu was felicitated at the conference room of the Upazila Parishad, in presence of Upazila Parishad Chairman Siddiqur Rahman and Upazila Nirbahi Officer Rumpa Sikder.
His mother – Rehana Begum, a teacher of Bandar Government Primary School in Nalchity - was also present on the occasion.
Rehana contracted coronavirus when its second wave took a terrific turn in Bangladesh. As her condition deteriorated, she was put on oxygen support and was in immediate need of hospitalization.
Finding no other means, Ziaul Hasan made his mother sit on the back seat of his motorbike, tied the oxygen cylinder with his body to ensure uninterrupted oxygen supply and went to hospital.
However, a picture the incident went viral on social media, garnering overwhelming love and appreciations.
UNO Rumpa Sikdar said Ziaul Hasan Titu has set an inspirational example for the common people.
"He showed us how to show respect and perform duties to our parents properly and also what to do during an emergency situation. He proved that we all can be the heroes of our own lives, if we have the courage to try," she added.
Upazila Parishad Chairman Siddiqur Rahman also appreciated the noble job done by Ziaul Hasan.
However, the mother has recovered from the viral disease and is now doing well.