GIM to provide digital supply chain solution to BEOL
According to the MoU, GIM will provide BOEL with all services related to transportation of their products to all over Bangladesh

General Manager of BEOL Inam Ahmed, Head of Operation of Ejogajog Ltd Md Tarikul Hasan, Head of Sales at Ejogajog ltd Maruf Mizan, and Senior Manager (sales) at Ejogajog ltd Md Iftekhar Uddin, were present during the MoU signing ceremony, said a press release issued by Ejogajog on Wednesday.
According to the MoU, GIM will provide BOEL with all services related to transportation of their products to all over Bangladesh, the release said.
The product line of BEOL comprises brands like Rupchanda, Kings, Veola, Mizan etc, the release added.
About the signing, Yaseen Fida Hossain, Senior General Manager of Ejogajog Limited, said, "Goods in Motion i.e. GIM earned the trust of customers over the time."
"We are thrilled to have BOEL as our client, and we surely will provide significant value addition in the supply chain domain through transparency, cost efficiency and data analytics," added Yaseen.
Inam Ahmed, General Manager of BEOL said, ''We are excited to work with online Truck rental platform GIM Digital Truck."
"With GIM, we hope to efficiently deliver our goods to customers in different parts of the country so that they can get an easy access to our products when they need them,'' added Inam.
With the slogan "Technology in Logistics," the GIM Digital Truck app has already received a huge response from users by ensuring international grade service and safe transportation, the release said.
Currently, GIM has more than 12,000 registered trucks with carrying capacity of over 100,000 tonnes across the country. All sorts of trucks familiar on Bangladesh roads will be available through the GIM app, the release added.
BEOL is looking for new and improved experience in goods transport and will be able to mitigate their demands for various capacity trucks on time at different routes across the country though GIM platform, the release said