An unusual marriage ceremony

The bridegroom along with family members, friends, relatives and acquaintances goes to the bride's house in a traditional wedding in Bangladesh.
But Chougacha village under Gangni upazila of Meherpur witnessed exactly the opposite scenario on Saturday in a wedding ceremony, where convoy of the bride entered the bridegroom's house; and family of the groom hosted people who accompanied the bride.
Khadija Akter, daughter of Kamruzzaman of Hazrahati village in Chuadanga was the bride, while Tariqul Islam, son of Abdul Mabud of Chougacha village, was the groom.
"This wedding ceremony has been arranged to convey a message concerning equal rights of men and women in a male dominated society," said Abdul Mabud, father of the groom.
In our society, bride's family bear all of the burdens of the wedding, he said; adding that groom's family in many cases takes dowry from the bride's family. My son's marriage is an example contrary to this age-old tradition, Mabud said.
Residents of nearby areas gathered in the bridegroom's house to attend the marriage ceremony.
Jahir Hossain Chanchal, a professor at the Mujibnagar Government Degree College in Meherpur, told The Business Standard that he attended weddings of many Hindus, Buddhists, and Christians; but he never witnessed a wedding, where the bride went to the groom's house.
Jahir said, it is the first instance of a wedding like this in the region.