We showed zero tolerance to corruption: LGRD Minister
The minister said this at a seminar on 'What Local Government Needs to do in Ensuring Citizen Services'

LGRD Minister Md Tajul Islam said, "Our election manifesto spoke of a zero tolerance policy against corruption," as he added that following to the ruling party’s election manifesto the government, so far, has shown zero tolerance to corruption.
The minister said this at a seminar on 'What Local Government Needs to do in Ensuring Citizen Services', organized in the capital by the Dhaka Utility Reporters Association (DURA) on Friday.
"We are not entertaining corruption, and have worked to wipe it out," said the minister.
Regarding insufficient coordination among the service providing bodies of the local government, the minister said: "We are trying to get these organizations under one umbrella,” as he added that new issues of coordination are coming up every day.
"The local service providing bodies are working together according to their ability and skill. I don't think there is any mismanagement. Whenever and wherever there are problems, we try to troubleshoot them," commented the LGRD minister.
Regarding the dengue outbreak, the minister said that the time has not come, as yet, for coming to any conclusion regarding our success or failure in this case. To control dengue, the government tried their level best, he claimed; while adding: we will be successful in our drive against the dengue, when not a single person is infected with the mosquito-borne disease.
The minister denied the reporters' claim that the members of the parliament (MPs) have no taken part in the drive to contain dengue outbreak.
"The mayors and councilors of the city corporations may have executive responsibility; nevertheless, the MPs are coordinating the entire undertaking, as far as I know."