UN disburses $6.2m to for flood-hit families in Bangladesh
By using early warning systems and scientific advances in disaster prediction, this CERF enabled implementing partners to reach 400,000 people in the northern Bangladesh districts

The United Nations has disbursed $6.2 million to support vulnerable flood-hit families in Bangladesh.
The anticipatory action trigger for floods in the Jamuna River basin in Bangladesh has been reached, and the UN Central Emergency Relief Fund (CERF) promptly disbursed $6.2 million to support the most vulnerable families to mitigate the impact of the floods, said a press release issued today.
The pre-arranged funds were provided to four UN Agencies: The Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO), United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and World Food Programme (WFP) to reach people before the forecasted floods occur.
By using early warning systems and scientific advances in disaster prediction, this CERF enabled implementing partners to reach 400,000 people in the northern Bangladesh districts of Kurigram, Gaibandha, Jamalpur, Bogura and Sirajganj, including 92,089 men, 127,290 women, 159,121 children and 6,045 people with disabilities before the flooding occurred, the UN release said.
Each of the 80,000 households will receive anticipatory multi-purpose cash transfers, water purification supplies, agricultural support, dignity & baby kits, and information services on gender-based violence.
Anticipatory action is a proactive approach to disaster management that enables the implementation and financing of actions before an extreme weather event occurs, helping families safeguard their homes and income and ensure food security before and after the crisis.
This anticipatory grant targets vulnerable community members, including people with disabilities, transgender people, women, children, and households in the low-lying char (riverine island) areas who face an elevated risk of food insecurity and malnutrition, and protection issues due to existing poverty and marginalisation.
This is the second time that anticipatory action has been used in Bangladesh. The initiative was launched based on predictions by UN experts, forecasting that continued monsoon rainfall will lead to water levels along the Jamuna and other tributaries increasing significantly by mid-July, causing destructive floods.