Students postpone road safety movement
The announcement came Saturday from Sohagi Samia on behalf of the agitating students

With an ultimatum till 31 December for implementing the 11 points including half fare for students on buses, agitating students in Dhaka's Rampura postponed their movement on Saturday.
They said if their demands are not met by 31 December, the agitation will resume in January next year.
Sohagi Samia, on behalf of the agitating students, said, "We have presented our 11-point demand to the administration. We want to give them time to implement those."
Samia also said students are changing the nature of the movement, but not stepping away.
"If we do not see effective initiatives during this period, not only students but also the general people will take to the streets from the new year," she added.
Jahangirnagar University Professor Anu Mohammad, referring to the demands of the students, said that whatever the Prime Minister says seems to be implemented immediately.
"But in the case of transport and the interests of the people, they are not seen to be implemented," he added.
Teachers and parents were present while the students left the street after the announcement.
Besides, Bangladesh Jatri Kalyan Samiti Secretary General Mozammel Haque Chowdhury, Ride Share and Service Delivery Workers Association Riaz Mahmud and a section of transport workers also took part in the programme.