RPO amendment: SHUJAN demands returning EC's power to halt election
The bill was passed in the parliament by voice vote on Tuesday

Civic organisation Shushashoner Jonno Nagorik (SHUJAN) has called on authorities concerned to give back the Election Commission its power to halt elections or cancel polls' results , which has been curtailed in the "Representation of the People Order (Amendment) Bill, 2023" passed in the parliament Tuesday.
"After this amendment, the Election Commission will only be able to stop the polling of the concerned centre in case of allegations of any irregularities on the polling day. Elections cannot be postponed or the results cannot be suspended or annulled at any time other than on polling day," SHUJAN said in a press statement on Wednesday.
However, there is no provision of cancelling the entire election to a constituency in the proposed law- as done during the Gaibandha-5 by-election last October.
SHUJAN called on authorities to return the EC its full power over elections.
The Parliament passed the bill on Tuesday with the key amendment authorising the EC to postpone or cancel results or voting of one or more polling stations in any number of constituencies on polling day.
The law previously stated that the commission may stop the polls at any polling station [or entire constituency, as the case may be] at any stage of the election if it is convinced that it shall not be able to ensure conducting the election justly, fairly and in accordance with law due to malpractices, including coercion, intimidation and pressures, prevailing at the election.
SHUJAN said, "We think that the Election Commission is yet to gain the trust of all political parties and organisations. This amendment to the RPO will further undermine the confidence of the Election Commission and make it a powerless institution to conduct fair elections.
"Moreover, when we are in the midst of a crisis as to whether the upcoming national elections will be competitive with participation of all parties, such an initiative will only intensify the crisis – which no conscious citizen wants."
SHUJAN also condemned the provision that allows an MP aspirant to clear all dues before the date of submission of the nomination papers.
The civic organsiation thinks this will encourage loan defaulters to participate in elections as candidates.