Raushan Ershad hopes PM brings up extension of Ganga River Treaty, fair distribution of water during G20 Summit

Opposition leader Begum Raushan Ershad expects Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to bring up the extension of Ganga River Treaty and fair distribution of water from 54 other common rivers.
She believes that these unsolved issues will be finally settled for mutual benefit of both the neighbouring countries, reads a statement signed by Golam Moshi, political secretary to the Leader of the Opposition Raushon Ershad.
The leader of the opposition of Bangladesh Parliament hailed the scheduled meeting of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in New Delhi during G20 Summit.
According to the statement released on 5 September, Begum Raushan Ershad hailed the decision of the government to raise Teesta water-sharing issue in the meeting.
The leader of the opposition also asked her to raise other bilateral issues such as bridging the Bangladesh-India trade gap, duty-free access of Bangladesh products to India, smooth supply of food and essential items by Bangladeshi importers, removal of tariff barriers on Bangladesh products, increasing scholarships for Bangladesh students in Indian educational institutions, and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) from India.
The leaders could also talk about how the two countries can work together to fight climate change and protect the environment, she said. She also expressed her hope that the warm relations between the two countries will continue to improve in the days ahead for the peace, prosperity and well-being of the people of both countries.