Taimur continues exploiting Shamim-Ivy rift
He said the election atmosphere had been congenial until police started harassing his campaigners recently

Independent runner for Narayanganj City Corporation (NCC) election Taimur Alam Khandaker continues capitalising on the dispute between Awami League mayoral candidate Selina Hayat Ivy and local member of parliament Shamim Osman to mobilise support for his poll campaign.
"I did not say the Osman family is not backing Ivy, rather the candidate said it on her own," he told the campaign on Monday.
Despite both Shamim and Ivy belonging to ruling Awami League, their rivalry grabbed the headlines multiple times. Ivy has been claiming that her opponent Taimur is blessed by the Osman family.
Taimur, a BNP leader who was relieved of party posts for contesting the election going against the party decision, claimed there is no split among his campaigners. But his main rival Ivy has too many factions in the party who are singing in different tones.
Referring to a top central Awami League leader who had warned Taimur not to be too confident about the victory, the BNP leader said, "People outside of Narayanganj are our guests, and we do not listen to whatever they say."
"I have seen too many doves in my entire life, but I never stepped into any trap [In Bengali that means he did not see things with half an eye]," commented Taimur.
He said the election atmosphere had been congenial until recent police harassment.
"Cops are showing up at residences of my campaigners," he said, claiming police told his people that they must work for "boat" – the poll symbol of Ivy.
"Such interferences are not right. I want the voting to reflect what people really want."
He said he had told his campaigners that there would be harassment and persecution, but they would have to move forward for the change by resisting the harassment.