PID decides to review decision of revoking press cards
PID will review the decision in the applicable cases

The Press Information Department (PID) has taken a decision to review the decision regarding the cancellation of accreditation cards of a number of journalists.
PID will review the decision in the applicable cases, according to an official handout issued today (19 December).
The handout said PID has cancelled the accreditation cards of a few journalists as per rules after necessary verification.
"The issuance of accreditation cards is an ongoing process to facilitate the working journalists to perform their professional duties."
In fact, those accreditation cards were cancelled due to various reasons which included - non-renewal of cards for a long time, taking excess cards by some organizations, yellow Journalism, using the card in self-interest and serving as the political weapon of the ousted fascist, criminal charge against card holders, arrest and imprisonment of the card holders on various charges, taking card by non-professionals using political influence, leaking public information, misuse of the press accreditation card, playing negative role and give instigation in the anti-discriminatory student-people movement, working as cohorts of the fascist and finally spreading remours, the handout said.
PID has asked the aggrieved professional journalists to inform the authority in writing if he/she considers the card cancellation decision was unfair.
PID will take necessary action later after verifying those applications, it said.