Orion Pharma holds Annual Sales and Marketing Conference 2019
The programme focused on the performance evaluation of 2019 of the national sales force of Orion Pharma

The Annual Sales and Marketing Conference 2019 of Orion Pharma Ltd was held at Orion Pharma Park, Siddhirganj, Narayanganj, on January 18.
The programme was inaugurated by Zareen Karim, Managing Director, Orion Pharma Ltd. The chairman, directors, officials and the national sales force of Orion Pharma were also present.
The programme focused on the performance evaluation of 2019 of the national sales force of Orion Pharma. The directors of Orion gave inspirational speeches, followed by several interactive sessions between the field force and the management.
A prize giving ceremony and raffle draw session for the winners followed cultural events at the conference.
The programme concluded with an inspirational speech from Mohammad Obaidul Karim, chairman of Orion Group.