Reintegration of migrant workers tougher for women than men: IOM study
The report highlighted general recommendations for the programme to help a migrant worker

Women face more difficulty reintegrating into the community, after returning to their home countries, compared to men, according to a study of International Organization for Migration (IOM).
According to research on factors affecting the sustainable reintegration of returnees, women have reported they have a harder time finding jobs and training opportunities, even health-care services. They also reported being abused and exploited as a migrant worker.
The IOM study has been coordinated by the EU-IOM Knowledge Management Hub (KMH) with the European Union's financial support.
It was conducted by the Maastricht Graduate School of Governance of Maastricht University with the KMH's research fund.
It presents key findings of two combined research projects to highlight the differences in reintegration outcomes among male and female returnees.
The first research analyses socio-economic and psychosocial dimensions to understand if the worker's return was forced or voluntary. The second one closely examines gender-based differences in the worker's integration experience.
"The study identifies programmatic and policy recommendations that will be crucial to inform the design and implementation of reintegration programmes that address the diverse needs of different categories of returnees," said Monica Goracci, IOM Migration Management Department Director.
The research team carried out over 1,200 surveys and 147 qualitative interviews with returnees, family members and key informants in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, El Salvador, the Gambia, Nigeria and Somalia.
The results have revealed the prominent factors which can seriously impact the reintegration experience; reasons to return, vulnerability in the situations, and the kind of support the returnee received while readjusting.
"Reintegration was more sustainable for voluntary, rather than forced, returnees," confirmed the data analysis adding that "voluntary returnees were economically more self-sufficient and socially stable".
Considering the psychosocial perspective, forced returnees reported more difficulties in reintegrating viably. Their affliction during and after migration affected them, often making it harder for them to find housing, health care and access documentation services.
Sonja Fransen, research project manager of Maastricht University, said the study specifically aimed at closing such gaps while identifying areas of reintegration support in need of further evidence.
"So far, little comparative evidence exists on the reintegration experiences of forced and voluntary returnees, male and female returnees and on the understanding of gender-related issues in reintegration outcomes," she said.
The report highlighted general recommendations for the programme to help a migrant worker, "The importance of pre-departure counselling to manage returnees' expectations, immediate and timely assistance upon return, particularly in terms of economic and psychosocial support, and of community-engagement to overcome barriers linked to returnees' stigmatization."
The KMH was established in September 2017 in the framework of the Pilot Action on 'Voluntary Return and Sustainable, Community-Based Reintegration' funded by the European Union to support the harmonisation of approaches, processes and tools, and strengthen learning across the EU-IOM Actions in support of migrant protection and sustainable reintegration and beyond.