Narayana Health's uro-oncology expert shares knowledge on use of Robotics in prostate cancer

One of India's leading healthcare groups - Narayana Health (NH), in association with Oncology Present & Future Bangladesh, successfully hosted a seminar on the 'Use of Robotics in Prostate Cancer' in Dhaka on Saturday (8 July).
With over 100 doctors and industry experts in attendance, the event provided a platform for participants to gain insights into the latest developments in the field and leverage this knowledge for the benefit of Bangladeshi patients, reads a press release.
Dr Anand Biyani, senior uro-oncologist at Narayana Superspeciality Hospital, Howrah (A Unit of Narayana Health), delivered the keynote address and presented reference case studies that underline the significant role Robotic Surgery can play in the treatment of even the most advanced stage prostate cancer.
Addressing the doctors and delegates, Dr Anand Biyani from Narayana Health said, "A large number of patients from Bangladesh regularly come to our hospital units, present across all major locations in India, for treatment of a variety of conditions including prostate cancer. We aim to empower local doctors so that they can not only better diagnose and handle prostate cancer cases within the country but also refer them to us in a timely manner for effective management."
The event is expected to have a significant and wide-ranging impact on Bangladesh. It will not only empower local doctors, thereby enhancing the country's healthcare expertise, but it will also enable them to refer patients to advanced centres early leading to better clinical outcomes.
To demonstrate the expertise of Narayana Health and equip local doctors with the knowledge of advanced robotic procedures, Dr Biyani presented a video showcasing a recent case of a prostate cancer patient who underwent robotic surgery under his guidance. The presentation provided a detailed explanation of the entire procedure and post-recovery results.
Prominent speakers at the seminar from Bangladesh included Dr Rakib Uddin Ahmed, head of Department, National Institute of Cancer Research & Hospital (Radiation Oncology); Dr Swapan Bandyopadhyay, head of Department, Mitford Medical College & Hospital; Dr Tanima Adhikary, assistant professor, Dhaka Medical College & Hospital (Radiation Oncology); and Professor Zafor Md Masud, head of Department, Bangladesh Medical College & Hospital (Medical Oncology).
Dr Asraf Uz Zaman Mahmud, assistant professor at the National Institute of Cancer Research & Hospital, also participated as a panellist.
"Robotic technology has revolutionised the treatment of prostate cancer, offering numerous benefits and improved outcomes. One of its key applications is robotic-assisted radical prostatectomy (RARP), a minimally invasive surgical procedure to remove the prostate gland. Using the da Vinci Surgical System, surgeons can control robotic arms equipped with surgical instruments and a high-definition camera from a console. This provides enhanced visualisation, precision, and control compared to traditional methods," Dr Biyani from Narayana Health explained.
The experts agreed with Dr Biyani that the usage of robotics in prostate cancer treatment has revolutionised the field by providing enhanced precision, shorter recovery time & improved outcomes.
According to the latest Global Cancer Observatory estimates, Bangladesh had 1,56,000 new cancer patients in 2020. The cases are on the rise and studies show that it is the fourth most commonly diagnosed cancer in the world.
According to the experts, early detection of cancer holds a high likelihood of cure but unfortunately, most of the cancer patients in Bangladesh are detected at the third or fourth stage of the disease, resulting in high fatality rates.