Kidney Cancer: Types, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment
Four years ago the International Kidney Cancer Coalition (IKCC) created an international campaign, “World Kidney Cancer Day,” to increase awareness of the causes, prevention measures, and increasing rates of kidney cancer globally.

Dr. Ashutosh Saha, MBBS has over 3 years of work experience as a clinician, including working for Independent Central Hospital, Lab One Hospital, and Dhaka Medical College. He has completed a certificate course on Diabetology under the Distance Learning Program (DPL) and also a certificate course on Cardiovascular Diseases for General Practitioners, from the National Heart Foundation Hospital and Research Institute, states a press release.

Four years ago the International Kidney Cancer Coalition (IKCC) created an international campaign, "World Kidney Cancer Day," to increase awareness of the causes, prevention measures, and increasing rates of kidney cancer globally.
This year on 17 June, World Kidney Cancer Day was celebrated with the theme, "We need to talk about how we're feeling," targeted to address the psychosocial impact on kidney cancer patients.
Dr. Saha would like the readers to know the following about kidney cancer:
Kidney cancer occurs when healthy cells in one or both kidneys alter and expand rapidly and a mass known as a renal cortical tumor forms. A tumor might be malignant, benign, or indolent. Adults with kidney cancer are most commonly diagnosed between the ages of 50 and 70, and men are 2 to 3 times more likely to develop kidney cancer than women. Approximately 5-8% of kidney cancer cases are linked to family genetics.
The main types of kidney cancer:
Renal cell cancer (RCC): The proximal renal tubules, which make up the kidney's filtration system, are where this type of cancer arises. RCC makes up to 85% of diagnoses.
Transitional cell cancer (TCC) or renal urothelial carcinoma (UC): These two types of cancers are responsible for 5% to 10% of all kidney cancers identified in adults. Urothelial carcinoma originates in the renal pelvis, the part of the kidney where urine accumulates before going to the bladder.
Wilms tumor: Wilms tumor is more common in children than in adults, and it is treated differently. Wilms tumors account for around 1% of all kidney cancers.
Risk factors of kidney cancer
Several known factors can contribute to the risk of the disease:
Nutrition and weight
High blood pressure
Chronic kidney disease that needs dialysis
Long-lasting infection with Hepatitis-C
Taking certain pain medicines for a long time
Kidney stones
Previous treatment for testicular cancer or cervical cancer
Family history of kidney cancer
Signs and symptoms of kidney cancer
Early on kidney masses do not typically cause any symptoms and are undetectable on physical examination. As kidney cancer becomes more advanced it classically results in:
Blood in the urine
Lower back pain or pain in the side (flank) that doesn't go away
A lump or swelling in the kidney area or abdomen
Losing weight for no reason that you know of
Fever that keeps coming back
Night sweats
Palpable swollen lymph nodes in the neck
Continuous cough
Bilateral lower leg swelling
A person with kidney or renal pelvis cancer may or may not have one or more of the symptoms listed above. The same symptoms may be the result of something else. If you have any of these symptoms, talk to your doctor first.
Diagnosis and treatment
The diagnosis of kidney cancer is unusual. In fact, patients do not exhibit signs or symptoms that would prompt them to undergo testing. Because the use of ultrasound and CT imaging for nonspecific abdominal problems are on the rise, kidney masses are commonly discovered coincidentally during medical imaging. Following imaging, a tissue biopsy is taken which confirms the diagnosis. Treatment for kidney cancer may include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and targeted therapy.
The impact of COVID-19 on kidney cancer patients
The isolation of lockdowns, a lack of social support, greater financial stress, and a heightened sense of vulnerability about one's health have made this a difficult time for cancer patients. Reflecting on this year's theme, all patients are encouraged to share their struggles and triumphs, talk to their families, friends, doctors, or even post their stories on social media.
International Kidney Cancer Coalition's (IKCC's) mission is to reduce the global burden of kidney cancer which means lowering incidence rates, increasing access to improved treatments, providing quality information to patients and caregivers, and ensuring people have access to mental health services they need for support.