Hepatitis B and dental care: A call for awareness

Hepatitis B has become a silent epidemic worldwide, causing liver damage and cancer.
This blood-borne infection is usually spread through blood and sexual activity, and today's paper aims to raise awareness of the relationship between hepatitis B, dentists, and patients.
One crucial aspect of this relationship is communication. Patients should always inform their dentists about any medical conditions they have, including hepatitis B.
It is important to know if infection control practices are being followed during dental procedures, from cleaning to extractions, injections, root canals, and surgical procedures.
Studies have shown that unvaccinated dentists are at a higher risk of contracting hepatitis B than the average citizen, due to potential occupational exposure in dental health care.
As such, healthcare providers, including dentists, should be vaccinated against hepatitis B to protect themselves and their patients.
To prevent the transmission of hepatitis B in dentistry, routine clinical hygiene practices must be observed.
Dental clinics should disinfect devices appropriately and on a regular basis, wear proper personal protective equipment, and disinfect all equipment and surfaces after each patient.
Patients can also play a role in preventing the spread of hepatitis B in dental care. Before sitting in the dental chair, they should ensure that the chair and all surfaces are cleaned properly after the preceding patient has been treated.
Patients should also ask their dentist about the proper sterilization of devices and whether they are wearing new gloves and other protective measures.
Patients with hepatitis B should keep their dental team informed and updated, and get a holistic check-up to address common symptoms such as cracked corners of the mouth, loss of taste, dry mouth, and gingivitis.
They should also be wary of bleeding and adverse drug interactions that may arise due to liver disease.
The bottom line is that dental professionals are trained to be compassionate and non-judgmental while taking appropriate safety precautions for the health of their patients and themselves.
By raising awareness of the relationship between hepatitis B and dental care, we can ensure that patients receive the best possible care while minimizing the risk of transmission of this dangerous disease.
Dr Adily Adib Khan (BDS) is the founder and chief consultant of Dental pixel & AAKA foundation