Govt decides not to honour war hero General MAG Osmani posthumously with Independence Award
Since there is no precedence of any Bangladeshi ever receiving the highest award of the country more than once, the idea was dropped, CA's press secy says

The government has decided not to posthumously honour Muhammad Ataul Gani Osmani, commander-in-chief of the Mukti Bahini during the 1971 Bangladesh Liberation War, with the Independence Award.
"Our war hero General MAG Osmani, the Commander in Chief of the Bangladesh Mukti Bahini, was honoured with the Independence Award in 1985," Chief Adviser's Press Secretary Shafiqul Alam said in a statement today (11 March).
He further said, "The interim government initially discussed posthumously giving him the Independence Award this year. But since there is no precedence of any Bangladeshi ever receiving the highest award of the country more than once, the idea was dropped."