Ganatantra Mancha organises road march demanding govt resignation

Ganatantra Mancha started a road march on Sunday (4 June) from the National Press Club towards Dinajpur to press home their 14-point demands including resignation of the government, and elections under an interim government.
This marks their first program outside of Dhaka after organising a march in the capital.
"We will be marching peacefully from here on foot to Matsha Bhawan, from there we will continue our journey by car. Our next destination is Gazipur, and we have a series of programs planned thereafter," said Biplobi Workers' Party general secretary and coordinator of Ganatantra Mancha Saiful Haque.
"Our aim is to complete this road march peacefully," he added.
According to the announced program, the first day will include holding the first rally outside Dhaka at Gazipur Chaurasta crossing at 11:00am and a rally at Karatipara bypass crossing in Tangail at 4:00pm.
The second day, 5 June, will consist of a rally on the Sirajganj Shaheed Minar premises at 11:00am and another at Mokamtala in Bogura at 4:00pm.
The third day's (6 June) programmes are a rally at Satmatha of Bogura at 11:00am and a second rally at Gobindaganj of Gaibandha at 4:00pm.
Finally, on Wednesday (7 June), the road march will culminate in Dinajpur, with a rally at Institute Square at 11am and another at Rangpur Town Hall premises at 4pm.
"We hope that there will be no violence or provocation from the government and the administration," Saiful added.
He further said, "Our objective is to peacefully conclude this road march by conveying the people's demands and safeguarding their rights."
The politician noted that the movement's future plans will be announced after its rally in Rangpur on 7 March.