Webinar held on academic collaboration between ULAB and AIT, Thailand
Agreement signed between University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB) and the Asian Institute of Technology allows ULAB students to join AIT'S unifies Master's programmes

University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB) and the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Thailand rolled out their academic bridging program through a Webinar held on May 6, 2021. The activation of the memorandum of agreement signed between the universities will allow ULAB students to join AIT's unified Master's programmes or transfer their credits as interns, states a press release.
AIT's Academic Vice President Professor Shobhakar Dhakal explained various ways that ULAB students, alumni, and faculty members could benefit from the bridging programmes.
The Bangabandhu Chair at AIT, created as part of a Bangladesh government endowment, Professor Joyashree Roy affirmed that her office is focusing on creating opportunities for Bangladeshi researchers in the field of alternative and sustainable energy resources. She believes that ULAB faculty and students will take advantage of the opportunity to further their careers.
Taking part in the discussion, ULAB acting Vice-Chancellor Professor Shamsad Mortuza stressed on knowledge sharing and meaningful partnerships between the two institutions.
Professor Imran Rahman, the Special Advisor to the ULAB Board of Trustees, in his speech also focussed on the importance of research collaboration.
Around 75 participants from both the universities attended the interactive session and participated in interesting discussions with lots of avenues for students to explore to join AIT either for internships or for various degree-granting programmes.
Among others, the Deans and Directors of various schools and departments of AIT, senior officials of both the universities, faculty members, and students, and alumni put forward their valuable opinions and thoughts to make this collaborative partnership a success.