ULAB's EEE department goes on industrial visit
The guided tour allowed the students to gain some field experience at a glance on electrical power transmission, distribution, protection, and the layout of a grid substation

The department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) of the University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB) organised an industry visit to the Rampura 230/132 kV Grid Substation of the Power Grid Company of Bangladesh (PGCB) on 13 January.
A group of 40 students from the third and final year was accompanied by faculty members Prof Dr M Mofazzal Hossain, dean of the School of Science and Engineering at ULAB, and faculty members Dr Mirza Rasheduzzaman, and Ramit Kumar Shadhukhan during the visit, said a press release.
Senior engineers Dr Farid Ahmed and Ashraful Islam from the PGCB provided a guided tour which allowed the students to gain some field experience at a glance on electrical power transmission, distribution, protection, and the layout of a grid substation.
The students also had the opportunity to learn about both local and remote control of the substations of PGCB.