DMP to get 'Speed as a Risk Factor' training under Bloomberg philanthropic initiative

The Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP) non-profit organisation affiliated with International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC, has announced that it will be delivering its highly anticipated "Speed as a Risk Factor" training to the Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) in July under the Bloomberg Philanthropies Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS) programme.
This comes after GRSP's meeting at DMP Headquarters on Thursday (11 May).
The key objective of the training is to share existing enforcement practices across all risk factors within a "Safe System" partnership model. The training aims to enhance the knowledge of police officers to promote effective enforcement of traffic laws and reduce trauma on the roads by drawing on international and national road policing strategies that have proven to be efficient and effective. The training will provide tactics to reduce speeding and other risk factors on the roads, ultimately resulting in safer roads for all.
Reducing the average speed on our roads by just 5% can lead to a 30% reduction in fatal crashes, and DMP will be using a data-led approach to identify high risk speed areas for the effective deployment of their traffic staff to reduce offending.
DMP Joint Police Commissioner (traffic-South) SM Mehedi Hasan said "We are delighted to have the opportunity to work with the Global Road Safety Partnership. He called upon GRSP to enter into a MOU (memorandum of understanding) with DMP to work together on road safety. As a law enforcement agency, we are committed to ensuring the safety of all road users in Dhaka. We believe that GRSP training will equip our officers with the knowledge and skills necessary to enforce speed limits effectively and educate the public on the dangers of speeding."
"We are pleased to be continuing our relationship with the Dhaka Metropolitan Police, who are actively trying to increase the safety of their community, by delivering our "Speed as a Risk Factor" training said Al Stewart, GRSP Road Safety Consultant.
"We believe that this training will be invaluable in reducing the number of road crashes and ultimately saving lives. The Dhaka Metropolitan Police are to be commended for their ongoing commitment to making their road network safe for all road users," he added.