BSTI starts issuing halal certificates

Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution (BSTI) started issuing halal certificates for food and other products from Monday(11 April).
Bangladesh has adopted 3 international standards related to halal products (BDS OIC / SMIIC 1: 2021, BDS OIC / SMIIC 2: 2021 and BDS OIC / SMIIC 24: 2021), revealed Director General of the organization Md Nazrul Anwar.
The country took the initiative as a member of The Standards and Metrology Institute for Islamic Countries(SMIC), the halal certification body of Organisation of Islamic Cooperation(OIC) member countries.
Besides, expanding the export of domestic products has worked as a motivation behind issuing halal certificates, the director added.
The products of three companies under Olympic Industries were awarded halal certificates today.
The products ranged from Wafer biscuits, lozenges, plain cakes and toffees to instant noodles and chips/crackers.