BNP-Jamaat blockade: Locomasters to drive trains wearing helmets
According to railway information, 263 trains are currently plying across the nation. Around 850 people are employed as Locomaster (LM), Assistant Locomaster (ALM), and Sub Locomaster (SLM) in operating these trains.

Amid a tumultuous political situation in the country due to a 3-day blockade called by BNP-Jamaat and eight of their allied organisations the Bangladesh Railways has directed the locomaster, assistant locomaster, and sub locomaster of the railways to wear helmets.
Helmets have already been distributed for this purpose and the instructions were issued separately from the two railway zones on Monday (30 October).
Those concerned said that the railway line was one of the targets during the hartals and blockades of the opposition in 2013 and 2014. At that time there were incidents of uprooting of rails in different parts of the country.
In light of this past experience, instructions have been given to wear helmets for the safety of loco masters directly involved in train operations.
General Manager of the eastern region of the railways Md Jahangir Alam told The Business Standard, "The railway mechanical department has distributed helmets to the locomasters and they have been asked to wear them."
According to railway information, 263 trains are currently plying across the nation. Around 850 people are employed as Locomaster (LM), Assistant Locomaster (ALM), and Sub Locomaster (SLM) in operating these trains.
"We have received the directive to wear helmets. However, we have informed the authorities about some issues," said Mujibur Rahman Bhuiyan, a running railway staff of loco masters in Chattogram.
"The train's speed varies between 60, 70, or 80 kilometers in different places. If the railway line is damaged anywhere, there is a risk of an accident. Therefore, we also seek opinions on what the speed limit should be. In addition, it has been suggested that police be deployed on the trains," he added.
"For this reason, the opinion has been sought on what the speed limit will be. Besides, it has been asked to provide police on the train," he added.
Asim Kumar Talukder, general manager, of Railway Western Region, told The Business Standard, "Based on past experiences, instructions have been given to wear helmets. The train's speed will remain normal. However, everyone is advised to stay vigilant. Security force members are patrolling the railway line intensively. If any news is received, it is advised to halt train operations on the railway line."
"The Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) and Railway Police (GRP) personnel will be stationed as part of this arrangement. Additionally, the Rajshahi Range Police authorities have been informed about security matters. It has been stated that Ansar members will be deployed from there," he added.