Avoid use of surveillance tech until formation of specific guideline: Shujan

Sushashoner Jonno Nagorik (Shujan) has urged the government to avoid the use of surveillance technology until a specific guideline is formulated.
In a press statement Sunday (15 January), the civil society organisation said it thinks that the government should explain the purpose behind the purchase of such a technology.
Shujan expressed apprehension that in the absence of specific policies, the use of such technology will create a huge risk of disruption of the free flow of information, as well as the violation of multiple constitutional fundamental rights.
"We fear that if such technology is misused, there will be no existence of personal privacy in the country," reads the statement.
It thinks surveillance technology will surely hinder the progress of the nation where freedom of speech and expression is essential to the development of a nation.
Shujon has expressed grave concern at a recent report published by Israeli newspaper Haaretz that the controversial company Passitora, controlled by former senior Israeli military intelligence officer Tal Dilian, sold surveillance devices in June last year to a government agency. The equipment arrived in the country in June last year.
On 12 January, Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan also informed the Parliament that the government has taken initiative to introduce an "Integrated Lawful Interception System (ILIS)" in a bid to monitor social media platforms and thwart various anti-state and anti-government activities.