20 motor boats to run on Lautala-Ramchandrapur lake route

Dhaka North authorities have decided to launch 20 motorised passenger boats on Lautala and Ramchandrapur lake in the capital's Basila area of Mohammadpur which has recently been freed from illegal occupation.
After inaugurating and visiting Lautala lake on Thursday, Dhaka North Mayor Md Atiqul Islam said, "Initially, we will provide a licence to 20 boats to ferry passengers on the Lautala- Ramchandrapur route. By boat, it will take only six minutes, which now takes around 45 minutes."
Besides ferrying passengers, fish will be farmed in the lakes to protect their biodiversity. People also have to cooperate with the government in this regard, he added.
"We managed to recover the lakes overcoming many hurdles. To recover the lakes we abolished a truck stand which was there for 14 years. So, throwing garbage into the lakes will never be acceptable. CCTV cameras will be set up for a monitoring committee to take action against polluters," the mayor added.
"Visiting the lakes, I found garbage from many farms and houses going directly into the lakes. I have warned all that no one should pollute the lakes and the city as a whole," he said.
The mayor and guests travelled around 3.5 kilometres on a boat from Lautala lake to the confluence of the Buriganga in the Ramchandrapur area.
Dhaka North Waste Management Officer, Commodore SM Sharif-Ul-Islam, and Dhaka North Chief Engineer, Brig Gen Md Amirul Islam, were present at the inauguration ceremony among others.