Android users are better drivers than iPhone users: Study

A new study on smartphone users has revealed that Android users are more humble and better drivers than iPhone users.
The study by smartphone car insurance comparator Jerry is based on analysing the driving behaviour of 20,000 drivers that were collected during 13 million kilometers of driving, Cartoq reported.
The report says, "Jerry analyzed data collected from 20,000 drivers during 13 million kilometres of driving over a 14-day period. The data generated an overall driving score as well as sub-scores for acceleration, speed, braking, turning, and distraction. Then we grouped the results by smartphone operating system and various demographic characteristics."
Reportedly, it was the Android user that one-upped the iPhone users in every test that was conducted.
Moreover, the study also says that iPhone users are most likely to check their phones while driving than Android users.
Another big reason why Android users are better drivers according to the study is that Android users' age was more than iPhone users' age. Usually, as the age increases, the person becomes wiser and rides safely. When compared, the young drivers can be a bit adventurous and fearless in nature. Because of this, the report says that Android users are better drivers than iPhone users.
The report also reveals that Android users are more open and honest. They are also not drawn to luxurious things. And they are also more conscientious, had high levels of honesty and "feel little temptation to break the rules."
On the other hand, iPhone users were less predictable and consistent in their behaviour. However, they were more emotional.