Information commission fines 3 persons under RTI Act

The Information Commission Bangladesh (ICB) today fined the chairman and secretary of Dhankora Union Parishad under Saturia upazila of Manikganj for the delay in providing information and restricting the implementation of the Right to Information (RTI) Act.
The chairman and secretary have been asked to inform the authorities concerned about the penalty.
Chief Information Commissioner (CIC) Dr Abdul Malek and Information Commissioner Shahidul Alam Jhinuk issued the order after a hearing which was held in line with the RTI act, a press release said.
During the hearing, it was proved that the chairman and secretary did not provide information requested by the petitioner following the RTI act. Consequently, the commission fined them Tk 3,000 each.
In another complaint, the commission fined Tk 1,800 to the Social Welfare Officer of Bagmara Upazila of Rajshahi as the official did not provide the information sought by the applicant.
Today, a total of 11 complaints were placed to the ICB for hearing. Of those, nine were disposed of.