ChatGPT's successor GPT-4 lists twenty jobs it can 'potentially replace'
A Twitter user shared how GPT-4 listed twenty professions on being asked about the jobs it can "potentially replace"

OpenAI has recently launched GPT-4, an advanced version of the artificial intelligence chatbot ChatGPT. Since its release, the chatbot has created a buzz among people, with many testing its capabilities. In fact, it also attracted tech billionaire Elon Musk's attention after acing a simulated bar exam. The AI chatbot is making headlines again after a tweet about the jobs it can potentially replace went viral. The post shows a user asking GPT-4 about the jobs it can replace, and the chatbot lists 20 of them.
Machine learning engineer Rowan Cheung took to Twitter to share a screenshot of his interaction with GPT-4. "20 jobs that GPT-4 will replace, written by GPT-4," he posted as he shared the image.
The list starts with "Data entry" and the human traits that the AI would supposedly replace for this job are "speed" and "accuracy". The list also includes jobs like "tutor", "travel agent," "news reporter," and "paralegal."
The post was shared a few days ago. Since being posted, the tweet has received more than 2.8 million views and the numbers are only increasing. Additionally, the share has accumulated several likes and comments.
Here's how Twitter users reacted
"Some of these make sense, but an AI news reporter? Wouldn't that just write news based on news it's already written?" asked Esports commentator Cameron Davis. To which Alec Polsley, co-founder of an Esports company, replied, "Yeah news reporter makes no sense because it needs a human to see & describe what happened. I think that will be one of the largest areas of plagiarism. " Journalist Matthew Agius joined in and commented, "I'm not saying it's not going to affect the industry, but there is a teeny bit more to being a news reporter than just fact-checking and writing." Entrepreneur Daniele Pelleri wrote, "Interesting list, but how accurate is GPT -4's self-assessment on job displacement?"