10 occasions you should always report a post
The best way to report abusive content or spam is by clicking the "three dot" on the top right of the post

How many times have you seen content on Facebook, and you weren't sure if you should report it? We often see posts that we tend to share or comment over without giving any thoughts on the impact of it, and sometimes we become unsure whether we should be sharing or reporting the contents or posts. You can now report any piece of content on Facebook, including groups, pages, comments, profiles, and messages in messenger if you see these ten types of content. And you'll never have to hesitate again!
1. It contains hate speech:
If you see a post that is directly attacking people based on the protected characteristics, i.e., on someone's gender, ethnicity or religion, never hesitate to report the post or the person who shared the post. These protected characteristics are completely personal and no one has the right to judge others based on these characteristics.
2. It features inappropriate images:
Report the contents if those include posts that promote sexual assault, exploitation or violence. These kinds of posts spread faster and people tend to believe and share them more than other posts.
3. It is cruel and insensitive:
If the posts seem to be cruel or insensitive, which might hurt others' feelings, report the posts. These can take the form of messages, GIFs or a status update that targets someone.
4. It attempts to access your personal information:
Be watchful of your own profile and information you share on your account, i.e., photos, status, check-ins, contact details, workplace information etc. Protect them using Facebook's privacy and security tools. Because by deceptive or invasive method miscreants may steal your personal information which will be harmful to you and the Facebook community.
5. It was shared without your consent:
If you see any of your posts or images being shared by someone else without your permission or consent which breaches your privacy rights, report that person and post straight away.
6. It contains fake news:
Spread of fake news is all over Facebook now. People share them with or without knowing the authenticity of the news. Be vigilant of all the posts that include spam or check if the account of the person who shared the post is fake and then report.
7. It has violent or graphic content:
If the contents including videos, photos or graphics glorify violence or the suffering and humiliation of others instantly report the post to Facebook. It will help to stop the spread of violence among others.
8. It promotes criminal activities:
Any post that promotes criminal activities such as violent crime, theft, fraud or admission to a crime that's been committed should be reported immediately.
9. It encourages people to inflict harm:
Any content that attempts to coordinate future criminal activity that can harm people, businesses or animals is our responsibility to report it.
10. It endorses suicide or self-harm:
If you spot a post that indicates immediate threat or self-harm, contact the local emergency services immediately. If not possible report the post and Facebook will reach out with information that may help them.
The best way to report abusive content or spam is by clicking the "three dot" on the top right of the post, selecting find support or report post and clicking the option that best describes how this post goes against facebook's community guidelines.
Find out more at www.facebook.com/communitystandards