A visit to the Bangladesh National Museum

The Bangladesh National Museum is located in Shahbag, Dhaka.
It was established on 20 March, 1913. It represents Bangladesh for its education and culture.
My parents and I recently went to this awesome museum.
We bought three tickets for us to enter the museum. Upon entering the first gate, we saw a film festival, where famous films are shown and famous directors, poets, actors and many others come here from many different countries.
When we were entering the second gate we saw huge tanks, almost looking like they were ready to shoot in a war. The room also housed a huge map of Bangladesh.
One of the staff of the museum showed us around. In the next room we read about Rural Bangladesh, sea beaches, indigenous life, the Sundarbans, mangrove forests, herbal plants, flowers, creepers and animals.
Then we came across some very interesting things: the skin of a python, a Bengal Monitor Lizard, a cobra, a collection of Quartz, beautiful birds, skeleton of a whale etc.
We also learned many things about our country such as Life In Bangladesh.
I have also seen many types of boats such as Sapurid Jong, Talai, Ghasi and Barza.
This museum contains rare and popular things. If you also want to learn many things, do visit soon.
Nirvoy Sartre, is nine-years-old. He is a Class-4 student of St Pauls School in Darjeeling, India.

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