Most-hyped Bangla dramas on OTTs this Eid-ul-Azha

1. Kaiser, directed by Tanim Noor

Cast: Farhan Nisho
Where to watch: Hoi Choi
2. Syndicate, directed by Shihab Shaheen

Cast: Afran Nisho and Tasnia Farin
Where to watch: Chorki
3. Shadi Mubarak directed by Mahmud Mahin

Cast: Mushfiqur Rahman Farhan and Porshi
Where to watch: Sultan Entertainment's YouTube Channel
4. Bachelor Qurbani, The special episode of Bachelor Point directed by Kajal Arefin Ami

Cast: Marjuk Russell, Ziaul Haque Palash, Mishu Sabbir, Chashi Alam, Shimul and Munira Mithu.
Where to watch: Dhruv TV's YouTube channel
5. Akrosh, directed by Mahmud Mahin
Cast: Farhan Nisho and Tisha
Where to watch: CMB YouTube channel
6. Fuler Name Nam, directed by Mizanur Rahman Aryan

Cast: Tawsif Mahbub and Sadia Ayman
Where to watch: Channel i Prime