Lightshore Foundation organises art camp for Garo-Hajong children

Organised by Lightshore Foundation, A two-day art camp was held at a village close to Bangladesh-India border. Children from ethnic communities got an opportunity to put their thoughts into sketches. Held between January 24 to 26 January 2023, a band of 60 youths, belonging to different ethnic communities, took part in the event.
Prominent public figure Morshed Mishu mentored the kids at the art camp. Artist Rippi Bangla also present on the occasion and assisted the kids with their art.
"The Garo-Hajong children are highly interested in drawing. Our target for organising this art camp was to give a beautiful and memorable experience to these forgotten kids and to display their artwork at an exhibition so their diverse life and culture and relentless hardship of life can be presented to the people of Bangladesh and the rest of the world," said Founder of Lightshore, Sultana Razia.
"Whatever we did for these children it's not enough. Our limited efforts and personally gathered resources can only give them the idea of what to dream but in order to make those dreams into reality there have to be large-scale initiatives taken by the government and foreign bodies which unfortunately nowhere are seen. I hope we managed to make some difference in the lives of these innocent little ones," said Morshed Mishu.