Kabir Suman: I don’t know if I can visit Bangladesh again

"I don't know if I can visit Bangladesh again, given my physical condition," legendary Indian singer and songwriter Kabir Suman said during the last day's performance of his three-day long concert, which ended yesterday at Dhaka's Engineer's Institute.
Similar to the opening days, the final day's event, titled 'Hothat Ferari Kono Smriti Kadabey', was flocked by fans of the artist, who waited patiently in long queues before getting in.
Suman, who is known for his literary and moving lyrics writing in addition to his innovative, genre-defining music, talked to the audience about his life while performing classics like 'Chena Dukkho', 'Tomake Obhibadon Priyotoma', 'Shararat Jolechi' and 'Hal Cherona Bondhu'.
The legendary musician talked about politics and cultural atmospheres in Kolkata and Bangladesh.
"I don't get as much affection in Kolkata as I do for my music coming here in Bangladesh. I already knew how much Bangladeshi people respect Bangla's music, how much they love me, love my songs. But at this stage of my life, I just relised this once again," Suman said during his performance.
"The love and admiration I got from everyone will be a source of inspiration in my boring Kolkata life," the singer told a mesmerised audience.
The special three-day concert began on 15 October to mark the 30th anniversary of the release of Suman's iconic 'Tomakey Chai' song. The concert ended with the final performance yesterday.