Johnny Depp to return to big screen with French film
Johnny Depp’s French-language film "Jeanne Du Barry" will be launched for pre-sales at this month’s Cannes market

Amid the high-profile publicised trial between Hollywood actor Johnny Deppand his ex-wife Amber Heard, Deppis set to return to the big screen with the French film "Jeanne Du Barry."
The film will be launched for pre-sales at this month's Cannes market, reports the Deadline.
The actor will be seen as King Louis XV, alias Louis the Beloved, in the French-language movie helmed by French director Maïwenn.
The filming of the project will start this summer in France, across Parisian landmarks, including the Versailles Palace.
"Jeanne Du Barry" would mark Johnny Depp's first feature since 2020's Minamata, reports Vanity Fair.
Deppinsists Hollywood has started boycotting him since his ex-wife Amber Heard accused him of domestic violence.
Depphad to resign from the Fantastic Beats franchise upon a request from Warner Bros after losing a libel battle with The Sun newspaper over an article that called him a "wife-beater."
Johnny Deppsaid he has "lost everything" due to the allegations made by Amber Heard.
"When the accusations were made, they circled the world, saying I was a threat to hitting women - suddenly at 50, it's over," said the Pirates of the Caribbean famed actor.
Meanwhile, as Johnny Deppand Amber Heard's trial began on April 2022, there has been renewed interest in a petition calling for Warner Bros and DC Entertainment to remove Amber Heard from Aquaman 2. The petition has received over 3 million signatures.