Frozen 3 to release in 2027

Disney has announced that "Frozen 3" will be released in theaters on 24 November 2027, just in time for Thanksgiving.
Following the tradition of its predecessors, the Arendelle-set animated film is anticipated to be another blockbuster. Additionally, Disney has scheduled a new Pixar film, "Hoppers," for release on 6 March 2026.
The movie, a body-swap comedy featuring Jon Hamm and Bobby Moynihan in the voice cast, revolves around a young girl who uses technology to tap into the thoughts of animals. The original "Frozen" became a global sensation in 2013, earning nearly $1.3 billion and winning two Oscars, while the 2019 sequel outperformed it, grossing $1.45 billion as the highest-grossing animated film until recently.