Audience vandalises Madhumita cinema hall over 'Toofan' tickets
The incident took place around 6pm during the screening of the movie, as per local media reports.

Angry audience vandalised the Madhumita cinema hall in Dhaka on Tuesday (18 June) evening after failing to obtain tickets for Shakib Khan's latest film, "Toofan".
The incident took place around 6pm during the screening of the movie, as per local media reports.
The angry audience became a mob and damaged the hall's infrastructure, including chairs, and glass doors.
Many complained that tickets were being sold illegally at inflated prices outside the hall, rather than at the designated price at the counter.
Police intervened and detained two individuals involved in the black market ticket sales to manage the situation.

Reports suggested that several frustrated audience members forced their way inside and began causing destruction. They kicked down doors, threw stones at the glass, tore down wall posters, and damaged poster boards.
Audience members who came to watch "Toofan" alleged that ticket scalping had been a persistent issue at the Madhumita cinema hall.

Following the movie's release on Monday (17 June), tickets sold out quickly. The demand for the 6pm show on Tuesday (18 June) led to a severe ticket shortage, with allegations that tickets were being sold on the black market with the hall authorities' collusion.
Naushad, the managing director of Madhumita cinema hall told Prothom Alo, "Three times more than the seating capacity showed up at the hall. We couldn't handle such a large crowd."
He further accused several YouTubers of inciting the audience to violence