Man keeps failing to walk to Bermuda in Giant Bubble
Reza Baluchi, 42, an ultra-marathoner attempted to run to Bermuda in a home-made, inflatable plastic bubble from Florida’s Boca Raton.

The Bermuda Triangle also is known as the "Devil's Triangle" or "Hurricane Alley" where numerous unusual features had been noted in the past.
Many ships and planes have vanished without any trace within this imaginary Bermuda triangle, reports CNN.
Some speculate that the disappearances are occurring due to the machinations of enormous sea monsters, giant squid, or extra-terrestrials.
Reza Baluchi, 42, an ultra-marathoner attempted to run to Bermuda in a home-made, inflatable plastic bubble from Florida's Boca Raton.
Baluchi had been warned by the Coast Guard that any efforts to attempt his journey would be futile and result in severe legal and financial retribution, reports Swimmers Daily.
However, Reza's convictions and ambition left him undeterred by such threats – he had been waiting his whole life to do this and nothing was going to stop him.
This is the story of that fateful journey as told by the man who attempted it.
Despite decades or even centuries of research, this unique mystery of Bermuda triangle remains unsolved.