Pulitzer Centre on crisis reporting features photo from Bangladesh

The Pulitzer Centre on Crisis Reporting has featured a photograph from Bangladesh in its report to highlight the year 2022 in photographs.
About 55 photos have been featured from different parts of the globe, each of which demands to raise awareness of underreported global issues, sustain attention on urgent stories, and hold those in power to account.
American photojournalist Allison Joyce has captured the photo from Dhaka, Bangladesh, which features a young child – Alomgir, 11 – steering a boat toward a field where he can collect grass for his family's animals in Kushtia district.
"Hundreds of thousands of children across the country entered the workforce during the pandemic, and many have been unable to return to school," said the caption beneath the photograph.
The photojournalist took to social media to express joy on her photograph being selected for the report.
"I'm very happy that one of my photos from our project on how Covid school closures impacted the lives of young boys in Bangladesh was included in the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting photos of the year," she wrote on her Facebook profile.
Photographs from Iran, Brazil, United States, Ukraine, Peru, are among those that have been included in the report.