Misoprostol and Foley’s catheter methods reduce C-section rates: Survey

The rates of caesarean section, a surgery to deliver a baby, can be reduced by applying the Misoprostol and the Foley's catheter methods to women suffering from labour complications, says a survey report.
Almost 50% of pregnant women suffering from various problems, including water breaking and contracted uterus before delivery, can deliver their baby without a cesarean section by applying the misoprostol and Foley's catheter method, according to a survey conducted by the Gynecology and Obstetrics department of Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College and Hospital.
Prof Dr Munira Ferdausi, head of the Gynecology and Obstetrics department of Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College and Hospital, presented the report on Saturday.
Dr Munira Ferdausi said the Gynecology and Obstetrics department conducted the survey on 200 pregnant women who were admitted to the hospital from 2019 to 2021. Out of which, 100 were in the Misoprostol group and the remaining 100 were in Foley's catheter group.
The report shows that the normal delivery rate was 64% with the Misoprostol method and 58% with the Foley's catheter method.
"There is no risk if the child is delivered using Misoprostol and Foley's catheter with skilled personnel. The pregnant woman should be mentally prepared and counseled for vaginal delivery," Dr Munira Ferdausi added.
Besides, she urged doing at least four checkups after conception and increasing institutional delivery.
Dr Munira Ferdausi also suggested avoiding unnecessary surgery during childbirth because it takes longer to recover than normal delivery and causes infections such as excessive bleeding, limb loss, blood clots, and sometimes causes death.