3 Bangladeshi projects win ‘Honorable mention’ award of ARCASIA Awards for Architecture 2021

Three Bangladeshi projects have received 'Honorable mention' award in the Arcasia Awards for Architecture 2021.
The projects are- 'IAB centre,' 'Sabuj Pata,' and 'Statesman', said a press release today.
In the competition of ARCASIA Awards for Architecture-2021, the project named 'IAB centre' of Bangladesh won the award. The designers of the project titled 'IAB centre' were architect Ehsan khan, architect Ishtiaque Zahir, architect Iqbal Habib, architect Bhuiya Arm Tarek, architect MD Zubair Hasan, and architect Shabab Habib Khan.
Sabuj Pata is the winner of the 'Honorable mention' Award in the ARCASIA Awards for Architecture-2021 competition in the area of single-family residential complexes. Architect Asya Karim and architect Naim ahmed Kibria collaborated on the 'Sabuj Pata' project.
'Statesman' is the title of the 'Honorable mention' Award winning project in the ARCASIA Awards for Architecture-2021 competition in the area of Multi-family residential complexes.
Architect Shahla Karim Kabir, architect Shuvro Shovon Chowdhury, architect Saiqa Iqbal Meghna, architect Minhaz Bin Gaffar, architect Shahriah Mannan, and architect Sumaya Hasan designed the project 'Statesman.'
In 2021, ARCASIA received 225 applications from 15 Asian countries, from which the jury selected a total of 25 winning projects.
The Arcasia Awards is considered to be one of the highest honors for a practicing architect in Asia.