Prime Bank, Trust Axiata Digital sign agreement

Prime Bank and Trust Axiata Digital Limited (TADL) have signed a trust cum settlement account agreement for TADL's new mobile financial service "tap".
Shams A Muhaimin, deputy managing director of Prime Bank and Dewan Nazmul Hasan, chief executive officer (Acting) of Trust Axiata Digital Limited, signed the agreement in Dhaka on August 18, 2021, said a press release.
Faisal Rahman, additional managing director of Prime Bank was also present.
Hassan O. Rashid, Managing Director and CEO of Prime Bank said that the agreement will be mutually beneficial for both organisations.
Dewan Nazmul Hasan, said that in future TADL will incorporate bank transfer feature in the app so that Prime Bank account holders can easily add money from their account and avail "tap" services.