Brain Station 23 wins NPO award

Software development company Brain Station 23 won the 'National Productivity and Quality Excellence Award 2019.'
The company received the award in the 'large industry' category for contributing to productivity and excellence in the field of information-technology, reads a press release.
Industries Minister Advocate Nurul Majid Mahmud Humayun recently handed over the award to the director and chief operating officer of the company MJ Ferdous.
National Productivity Organization (NPO) is a department under the Ministry of Industries, which gives this annual award to organizations that make remarkable contributions in the field of industry, agriculture and the service sector.
MJ Ferdous said they are grateful to the Ministry of Industries for the recognition. This award will inspire Brain Station 23 immensely, he added.
The company's CEO Raisul Kabir was also present at the award ceremony among others.