Google celebrates International Women’s Day with doodle
Marking the day, Google created a video featuring women’s equality, positions in all professions

Search engine giant Google has created a new Doodle on its homepage celebrating the International Women's Day on Sunday.
Bangladesh is celebrating the International Women's Day with the rest of the world, highlighting equality of women in every sector.
This year's theme is 'I am Generation Equality: Realizing Women's Rights'.
The theme is aligned with United Nations Women's new multigenerational campaign, Generation Equality, which marks the 25th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action.
The Generation Equality campaign has brought together people of every gender, age, ethnicity, race, religion and country, to drive actions that will create the gender-equal world we all deserve.
According to UN, the year 2020 is a pivotal year for advancing gender equality worldwide and it marks several other galvanizing moments in the gender equality movement: a five-year milestone towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
UN says the year 2020 represents an unmissable opportunity to mobilise global action to achieve gender equality and human rights of all women and girls.
Marking the day, Google created a video featuring women's equality, positions in all professions.