Goethe starts the two day virtual conference
From September 3, a two day International Conference (Online) themed M3: Man, Male, Masculine by Goethe-Institutes in Bangladesh and India started

From September 3, a two day International Conference (Online) themed M3: Man, Male, Masculine by Goethe-Institutes in Bangladesh and India started.
M3: Man, Male, Masculine is a South-Asian regional project on the theme of masculinities. The project's goal is to talk about the modern vision of masculinity in Bangladesh and India from different perspectives. Through a variety of discursive, cultural, and pedagogical activities, it investigates current views on masculinities throughout the gender spectrum. The International Conference will bring together scholars and artists from South Asia and Europe to share their intellectual and cultural perspectives on the topic.
From the Bangladesh frontier, on September 4 at 5.00 pm BST Esha Aurora (Journalist, Bangladesh) and Fikri Anil Altintas (Writer & #HeForShe Catalyst, Germany) will be in conversation regarding Performing Masculinity. The interactive conversation shall encompass perspectives and contexts of gender performance; the Topic of Honor of ascribed non-white masculinity, Gender-based violence and the concepts of Orientalism in masculinity.
Performing Masculinity will also be discussed within the realm of Contemporary South Asian Cinema. A Panel Discussion moderated by film curator and journalist Meenakshi Shedde. The speakers include- Mostofa Sarwar Farooki (Bangladesh), Rubaiyat Hossain (Bangladesh), Devashish Makhija (India) and Tillotama Shome (India).
Other speakers include Urvashi Butalia (Feminist Researcher & Writer, New Delhi), Florian Fischer (freelance Consultant on Social Issues, Germany), Meena Kandaswamy (anti-caste activist, novelist, India), Michael Meuser (Professor of Sociology, Dortmund University), Sumathi Ramaswamy (Professor of History & International Comparative Studies, Duke University, USA), and more.
Artists like Aditi Mittal (writer, comedian, actor, India), Anamika Joshi (Spoken-word artist, India), Mandeep Raikhy (Dance practitioner & choreographer, India), Susanne Sachsse (actress, Berlin Germany), Kerstin Rickermann & Silke Beller, Film-makers Germany) and more will be performing in an around the same topic.
Audiences can actively participate in the conference via Zoom and register in advance for the sessions here: https://bit.ly/RegisterGIM3