Distant Dating 101
Here are five tips from experts for managing a long-distance relationship

After endless searches, you find the one. The wait is over. The lonesome days are gone. But alas! You and your beloved get distanced for some certain reasons—work in another city, study abroad, or some other unavoidable reason.
Now, you have the fear whether your relationship will survive the time test, regardless of your love or dedication. Here are five tips from experts for managing a long-distance relationship:
Know your expectation
You both need to know what you expect from each other in this distant relationship. Set the basic rules so that no one can surprise the other side. For instance, can the other person go to dates? What's your commitment? It's better to be open and upfront about all these vague areas.
Communicate, but not too much
Truthful communication is a high priority. But don't be too "clingy" and possessive. You don't have to talk about 12 hours a day. You'd soon feel fatigued of "love."
Bypass risky situations
Say, your partner is not comfortablewith you partying with friends late at night, you should avoid it or tell the partner in advance. If not, your partner will be worried or suspicious, and of course, extremely nervous because you place him/her in a position to feel powerless or uncontrolled.
Do things together
Play an online game together. Watch YouTube or Netflix at the same time. Sing on Messenger while one of you plays the guitar. Be creative and spontaneous.
Respect other's schedules
It helps to know when the other person is busy and when s/he is free to chat. You do not want to disturb your partner at work or in a meeting. Keep a mental log of events like exams or job interviews. If you both live in different time zones, that's important.
Finally, stay positive
Bring positive energy to the relationship to keep both healthy. Thank your partner. Be grateful that you have someone to love; someone who loves you back. Be thankful for small things, such as a handwritten letter that has recently arrived in your mailbox.
Yes, it's painful waiting, and sometimes you feel lonely, but you must remember the fruit will be heavenly sweet.