Employment dropped by 0.55% in Q2: BBS report
The rate of unemployment dropped to 3.41% from 3.51% during this period

Employment in Bangladesh dropped by 0.55% in the second quarter of the year compared to the first quarter, said a recent report by the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS).
The latest issue of BBS' Quarterly Labour Force Survey, published on Sunday (30 July), found employment opportunities dropped by around 0.39 million in the April-June period this year. It also added 70.71 million in the country were employed in the second quarter of the year, which was 71.10 million in the first quarter.
The BBS report also found the rate of unemployment dropped to 3.41% from 3.51% at the same time.
Bangladesh's stock of labour force stood at 73.21 million in Q2 which was 73.69 million in Q1 - a drop of.0.48 million. Following the regulation of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), the BBS measures the labour force as the sum of employed and unemployed working-age people.
According to the ILO guidelines, those who have done any economic work for at least one hour in the last seven days, are identified as employed by BBS. On the other hand, people who have not looked for work in the last 30 days but have not found work for even one hour a week are called unemployed.
Those who are not looking for work are called the population outside the labour force. The number of such people out of the labour force fell by about 0.93 million in the last three months.
During this period, labour market participation decreased from 61.37% to 60.74%.
Labour force participation fell from 81.17% to 80.86% for males; in the case of women, it dropped from 41.95% to 41.06%.